
I first started imaging with daddy in 2018 when he got his first Go-To telescope mount, that he put his ST-80 on. That mount and scope went to my school instead when daddy upgraded.

I got my own mount when daddy entered a competition in one of the Facebook astro groups (UK Cloud Magnets) and he won a Celestron Nexstar SE mount, that he put his ST102 onto. This is my current setup after having the handset replaced so that the mount can be computer controlled. It needs a wedge still in order for it to be used as an equatorial mount because at the moment it’s an Alt-Az, which I can’t do long exposure astro with like daddy can.

I can’t get out and image very often, because I have a poorly heart and I have to look after myself. So even on the rare clear nights we have here in the UK, daddy will setup for me and we’ll pick something and then I’ll take the photos using his modded Canon 450D which me and my brother Sam share. I love taking photos of the moon and I’m very lucky because two of my pictures have been selected for Photo of the Month, which makes daddy cry because he’s so proud of me. The little slideshow below are images I’ve taken.

  • moon, lunar, moon hdr, mineral moon
  • eclipse, moon, celestron, nexstar se
  • moon, colour moon, mineral moon, lunar,